iMD provides the latest Medical and Pharmaceutical textbooks and databases for you
We have the most famous pharmacology databases such as:
We have almost all Textbooks of every specialty, such as :
We have everything you need for a great result in every USMLE exam.
UWorld QBanks:
Video Lectures:
Other databases such as:
Consult in-depth, peer-reviewed disease content developed in collaboration with BMJ.
Review evidence-based, patient-specific guidelines condensed for the moments of care.
Check for potentially harmful interactions between up to 30 drugs at a time.
Fast & Straightforward access to Infectious Diseases Treatments.
Find the drug based on it's shape, color and writing.
Look up concise and brief monographs for drugs.
We have many radiology textbooks & databases. But there are three marvelous databases we want you to know:
Two examples of our pathology databases are:
VisualDx is an award-winning diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety. Clinicians can quickly build a custom differential diagnosis across general medicine or use the powerful search function to access patient-specific clinical information and the world's best medical images.
New England Journal Of Medicine (NEJM)
Contains all NEJM journals from 2012 till now and will be updated monthly.CMEInfo & Medstudy Videos
We have almost all Expensive CMEInfo Lectures and Audio companions.Elsevier videos
All Elsevier books have a database dedicated to their videos.In here you can search for the name of the book or database and download it for the offline installation into the app
See the latest databases added to iMD
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